sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2013

Betrayed By The Titans
Agosto de 1001
Kratos ascends Mt.Olympus, commanding a small army of Titans as The Olympian Leaders - Hermes, Hercules, Hades, and Poseidon, rush to battle. After decimating the God of the Sea, Kratos and Gaia reach Zeus' pavilion, only to be assaulted by a mighty blast of lightning that sends them both spiraling down Olympus. Kratos is unable to hang on as Gaia fights to survive, revealing she used him as a pawn now that the Titans have reached Zeus. After Kratos tumbles down in to The Underworld, all his powers are stripped as he lurches through the River Styx. He resolves to escape Hades (once again), and destroy Zeus.

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